Author(s): Afaque Umer Originally published on Towards AI. Kubernetes 101: Grasping the Fundamentals ☸️ Photo by Andrea Zanenga on Unsplash The Problem ⁉️ It’s no secret that the craze for running containerized applications has surged in recent years. The demand for container instances is equally massive for organizations or projects operating on a massive scale. In a production setting, it’s crucial to oversee the containers hosting applications and guarantee uninterrupted operation. For instance, should a container fail, another should seamlessly take its place. Wouldn’t it be simpler if such management were automated by a dedicated system? Enter Kubernetes 🚀 the ultimate savior! With Kubernetes, you gain a robust framework for running distributed systems with resilience. It handles scaling, and failover, offers deployment patterns, and much more ✨ Kubernetes What? K8s Who? Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that leverages Linux container technologies to manage the deployment and scaling of applications. It can create and destroy instances of an application according to demand over a cluster of machines🪄 Imagine it as the fairy godmother of containers, making sure they dance gracefully at the ball of your software kingdom. In simpler terms, Kubernetes is the ultimate stage manager for your containerized applications. It simplifies the underlying infrastructure and offers a unified API, managing the cluster. This simplification enables developers to concentrate on their application’s logic without being bogged down by infrastructure management complexities. And here’s the kicker: in our world of software, we love shortcuts so much that we’ve nicknamed Kubernetes as k8s. Lazy? Maybe. Efficient? Absolutely! So, the next time you spot k8s and think it’s some secret code, fear not, my friend, you’re now in on the joke! Before delving into Kubernetes, grasping the concepts of containers and orchestration is essential. Containerization is a distinct domain, and familiarity with it is crucial. If you’re new to containers, I suggest checking out my previous blog where I’ve covered this topic in detail. Here’s the link for your convenience. Docker Essentials: A Beginner’s Blueprint 🐳 Upgrade your deployment skills with the Art of Containerization Alrighty, Now that we’ve got our application all snug in a Docker container, what’s the next move? How do we kick it into gear for production? And what if it’s not a solo act and relies on other containers like databases or messaging services? Oh, and let’s not forget about scaling up when the user count hits the roof, and gracefully scaling down when it’s time to chill. To make all this happen, you require a foundation with a defined set of resources. This foundation must manage the communication between containers and adjust their numbers on the fly according to demand. This entire procedure of automating the deployment and supervision of containers is termed Container Orchestration. The Architecture Kubernetes Architecture: Source Now that we’ve grasped the essence of Kubernetes and its functionality, it’s time to delve into its intricate architecture, like any complex system, understanding K8s requires peeling back its layers, much like dissecting the inner workings of a car to truly grasp its mechanics. Just as a driver must comprehend the nuances of an engine, steering, gearbox, braking system, etc. to navigate the roads safely, delving into K8s architecture unveils its components — the control plane, nodes, pods, and more — each playing a vital role in orchestrating the seamless operation of containerized applications. By delving into the fundamental components such as Nodes, Pods, Deployments, Services, Ingress, and Volumes, we can gain insights into how K8s streamlines the deployment, scaling, and management of applications in modern cloud-native environments. Understanding these core concepts lays the groundwork for harnessing the full potential of Kubernetes to build resilient and scalable applications. So, buckle up as we embark on a journey to explore the fundamental components and architecture of Kubernetes ☸️ Node A Kubernetes cluster is a collection of computing resources (nodes) that work together to run containerized applications. A node, physical or virtual, serves as the host for K8s. It functions as a worker machine where K8s deploys containers. It consists of two main components: the Master node and Worker nodes. K8s Architecture: source Master Node The master node a.k.a Control Plane, analogous to the driver of a car, serves as the central controller of the Kubernetes cluster. It consists of several essential components: Kubernetes API Server: Like the steering wheel of a car, the API server provides the interface through which commands and instructions are received and processed. etcd: Similar to a car’s GPS, etcd stores crucial information about the cluster’s configuration and state, helping navigate the cluster’s operations. Scheduler: Acts as navigator, determining the best route for executing tasks (pods) based on resource availability and requirements. Controller Manager: Functions as the maintenance crew, ensuring that various controllers maintain the desired cluster state, just like maintaining the car’s condition. Worker Node The worker node is responsible for running the applications and services within the Kubernetes cluster. It consists of four key components: Kubelet: As the primary component of the worker node, the kubelet communicates with the API server to receive instructions on executing applications and services on the node. Kube Proxy: Responsible for network proxying within the worker node, the Kube Proxy maintains network rules and directs traffic to the appropriate container. Pods: Pods, the fundamental deployable units in Kubernetes, consist of one or more containers sharing the same network namespace and storage volumes. Container Runtime: Handling the execution of containers on the worker node, the container runtime supports various options like Docker, CRI-O, and Containerd within the Kubernetes ecosystem. Pods A pod is the smallest thing you can use in Kubernetes. It’s like a little group of containers that work together and share the same network settings, such as IP address and port numbers. When you need more of your application to handle increased traffic, Kubernetes can make more copies of your pod (scaled horizontally) and spread them out across the cluster. It’s important to keep pods small so they don’t waste resources. If you put […]